At Beyond Software Consulting, we accompany your enterprise along the entire way of your IT projects!
From consulting for the digitization of their processes to development and implementation to managed services of the application in the cloud or on premise.
In all project phases, we provide innovative ideas and solution-oriented expertise for your digital world based on advanced technologies. In order to respond in an agile way to your business requirements, we are working together with additional Software Engineering partners in Germany, Romania and Turkey.
Digital Transformation
Digitization can extend the control of companies, improve the agility and precision at management decisions, and speed up the development of business processes. At the same time, the rapid adoption of automation technologies can conflict with proven and functioning business models. The automation and transformation processes should be taken carefully to bring a reliable change.
Our Vision
We believe that digital transformation needs careful attention to the business processes. People and business first, then technology: We focus on understanding the people and requirements of the organization first, then all needed technological changes and software developments follow.
Digital transformation is a big impact on change management. It impacts the flow of the data in organization and as a result all levels of an organization, tasks and processes should adapt to these new models. The business leaders must constantly update their organizational structures and the way of handling the data the organization collects. This will bring remarkable productivity gains and significant competitive advantage and understand where and how their current operations could have less faults and bigger clarity. We are the experts of not only the collection of data, we bring clearly analysed and minimized information which the organization actually and precisely needs.
Examples of Digital Transformation Projects
The examples below include the digital transformation scenarios our team accomplished in their careers with proven success.
Bank sector – helping the compliance departments of banks to develop automated alerts for fraud operations. |
Bank sector – automatically mapping geolocational based security for the sensitive data to enable “who can access which information depending on the location” |
Logistics Companies – developing a digital model for the pricing operations of a global logistics company. |
Logistics (and all other) Companies – developing an automation model for automated generation of Proposals. |
Logistics (and all other) Companies – answering the detailed customer questions using machine learning and artificial intelligence. |
Industrial Production Companies – automation of providing access for the certain devices remotely by degrading IT-Staff effort. |
Sales and Marketing Departments – creation of a central information pool for the all Market Research done by the company. |
Research and Development Departments – creating an central workflow to automate bidding and massive purchasing operations from the suppliers. |
Digital Transformation is a core expertise at Beyond Software Consulting. Our multi-country experienced consulting team brings services to analyse your current business, understand your requirement and offer solutions for improvements that make a visible and positive impact on your business.
We take all needed steps to understand the business requirements, having a clear view of what key people experience as the main difficulties and with the help of the collaborative, relationship-based approach we deliver the necessary technology. We design and deliver significant transformations, building a strong relationship with the key people in your business and deliver a functioning change in the given timeframes.
Custom Software Development
As a certified Microsoft Partner, we deliver complete business requirements analysis, development and deployment service using highest calibre of Application Lifecycle Management discipline. Our services are including but not limited to:
Cloud in Mind / Hybrid based .NET / Javascript Applications
Front-End and Back-End Applications
Database Applications
Distributed Applications
Mobile Applications
Custom Microsoft Office Applications
SharePoint Add-Ins (Provider Hosted)
As a dedicated Microsoft Partner, we follow Microsoft Patterns and Guidelines for all the design, development, deployment and post-deployment phases. To deliver World-Class service, we respect the highest documentation standards to fulfil the corporation requirements. From the first contact until the deployment at Production and following standards we never leave our customer alone and dedicate resources with a realistic risk buffer.
To speak more technical and from the heart:
We love micro services!
We love containerization! Docker is our good friend.
We love Cloud-In-Mind approach (still supporting On-Premise too)!
We love sustainable, maintainable code!
We love documentation! Product Lifecycle is no foreign word to u
We love Client Side programming and responsive interfaces!
We love Databases! Relational or non-relational.
As official Microsoft partners you can expect the highest standard when it comes to Enterprise Level Application Development.
Internet Of Things &
Industry 4.0
When joining to the digitalization of Industry, most companies face similar challenges. Continuous adaptation to the industrial transformation is needed to fulfil the requirement for improved economic performance and quality standards. In addition, businesses are urged to unleash the transformation of devices talking and interacting with each other inside the organization.
Our Expertise and Unique Approach
Our role is to analyse the corporate information workflow and recommend state of the art IoT solutions. To achieve this, we help you re-design the processes and services within your digitalized environment and deliver the transformation of the related systems and operational models into fully automated systems. We bring deep expertise in the industrialization of processes inside your company: Globalization and off shoring strategies, making benefit of cloud computing, big data analytics and reporting and as a result verifiable improvement of quality through high calibre IT Equipment.
We bring IoT Expertise with proven hands-on experience. Collecting huge amount of data from end-points, storing them, transforming them to a minimized state, monitoring and managing devices through easy to use dashboards is our daily business.